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How the University Collects, Uses, and Protects Student Information

With every activity we carry out online, we leave a [no-glossary]digital footprint digital footprint
The unique trail of traceable digital data you leave behind when you interact on the internet. A "passive digital footprint" is a data trail you unintentionally leave online. For example, when you visit a website, the web server may log your IP address, which identifies your Internet service provider and your approximate location. An "active digital footprint" includes data that you intentionally submit online. Sending an email contributes to your active digital footprint, since you expect the data be seen and/or saved by another person.
This also applies to your interactions with the University of Toronto.

In this website, we describe how the University collects, uses, and protects information about you – from the time you applied, as a registered student to the University through to graduation to your role as an alum of the University. This includes information such as:

  • Your demographic information like age, sex, race and ethnicity, immigration status, gender identity and financial status
  • Your grades
  • Your use of various academic and co-curricular services
  • Your enrolment in courses and programs

This website describes the University’s expectations of how student data are to be collected, used and protected by its academic and administrative units (i.e., Faculties, departments, etc.).

If you have any questions about the University’s data practices, please contact the University Registrar’s Office.

To learn about specific aspects of how the University uses, collects, and protects student information, please visit the links below:

Our Commitment to You

“The University of Toronto is dedicated to fostering an academic community in which the learning and scholarship of every member may flourish, with vigilant protection for individual human rights, and a resolute commitment to the principles of equal opportunity, equity and justice.”

Recognizing this and in accord with the University’s Statement on Equity, Diversity, and Excellence, the University of Toronto has the duty to use the institutional data in its possession to support our students, faculty and staff in their pursuit of these aims.

Read more about the University’s Statement of Institution Purpose on the Governing Council website.